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A Website made with the objective for writers to present their work infront of various firms interested in hiring new talents.
It not only let them provide the platform for their work but also,contact and apply for the jobs they want.They can Search the job According to the Genre they want.
The Companies can post their jobs on the website and can see the applications from job seekers,accepting or rejecting them.
Both companies and seekers recieve regular Notifications on their registerd Mail-Id.
Mystery Pit-

This is a Single Player,Browser Game designed in JavaScript.
The player has to cross the hurdles coming on his way,after crossing each hurdle his points would increase.

Network Monitoring Tool-
This is a Network Tool designed using LAMP Architecture.
This tool can be used to capture and analyse the packets transfered over a network,
It uses tcpdump with graphical front-end plus some integrated sorting and filtering options.
To discuss possible work..

Project | 01

Project | 02

Project | 03

Project | 04

Network Traffic Generator-
This is a Network Traffic Generator designed using LAMP Architecture.
This project uses Sendip to generate packets and transfer them over a Network.
It has features to define service type,packet Size,payload per length and interpacket Gap and takes both ASCII and HEX.
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